Standards de qualité élevés Standards de qualité élevés
Retour prolongé de 90 jours Retour prolongé de 90 jours
Plus d'un million de clients conquis Plus d'un million de clients conquis
With vibration

Booster Set Slim

99,99 € TVA incluse
Retour prolongé de 90 jours
Plus d'un million de clients conquis

Notre promesse pour le BOOSTER SET SLIM


90 jours d'essai sans risque

90 jours d'essai : pour que vous puissiez découvrir tous les avantages du BOOSTER SET SLIM et vous laisser convaincre, vous pouvez le tester tranquillement pendant 90 jours. Sans restriction. Sans risque.


Qualité premium & développé en Allemagne

Qualité premium : pour nous, la qualité de nos produits est primordiale. C'est pourquoi nous avons développé ce produit en collaboration avec une équipe d'experts.


Retour gratuit

Les retours sont gratuits : Si vous n'êtes pas convaincu, le retour est gratuit.

BOOSTER with SLIM foam roller in set

The BOOSTER SET SLIM is the perfect combination of fascia training and massage to strengthen the deep muscles with eccentric vibrations and release tension. Due to the oscillating vibration core and the easy handling, the electric fascia roller offers numerous application possibilities.

Even professional athletes and sports doctors are enthusiastic about the versatile use of the massage roller. The BOOSTER SET SLIM can offer you both. This innovative device, which works in a frequency range of 12 to 56 hertz, is not only suitable for loosening tense muscles, but also for strengthening deep muscles. You can do your fascia training as usual while enjoying the stimulating effect of a vibration massage.

In this way, you not only prevent tension - you can also treat it effectively. The good thing is that you can use the electric fascia roller not only for an extensive vibration massage, but also for a selective trigger point treatment and thus specifically counteract pain.


Versatile use thanks to pressure & vibration massage

Thanks to the perfect combination of pressure and vibration, you can use the BOOSTER SET SLIM both to prevent and treat tension. This allows you to effectively treat head, neck, shoulder, hip and knee pain. The vibrating core is basically suitable for various fascia rollers with different degrees of hardness.

While the light vibrations in the low frequency range serve for faster regeneration, higher frequencies can activate the muscles. Simply lie on the massage roller with your thigh, back or calf. Then slowly push your body back and forth, treating certain pain points for a little longer. By the way: The BOOSTER is also suitable for transverse massage to loosen painful adhesions and stimulate the circulation of the tissue.

BOOSTER SET SLIM as an effective training tool

When you buy the BOOSTER SET SLIM, you not only get a versatile massage roller with eccentric vibrations - you can also look forward to an effective training tool. It mainly works the smaller, deeper muscles that are difficult to target with conventional training. You can also use the BOOSTER as a stand-alone training tool in your hands. Among the most popular exercises are the squat and the lunge to strengthen the legs and buttocks. With the BLACKROLL® BOOSTER, you get the perfect training and massage device in your home, with which you can strengthen your muscles and effectively treat painful tension.

  • Electric foam roller with massage effect
  • Perfect combination of massage and vibration.
  • Ideal for activation and recovery.
  • More intense effect due to thin massage roller.
  • Continuously adjustable from 12-56 Hz.
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Informations utiles

BOOSTER exercises

Plus que de la régénération.

Pour un massage régénérant, vous pouvez combiner le noyau vibrant BOOSTER avec nos rouleaux de massage. Mais le BOOSTER est aussi un super outil de renforcement musculaire. Et en combinaison avec les accessoires BOOSTER HEAD, il est particulièrement adapté au traitement ciblé des points douloureux. Véritablement polyvalent.

Voir les exercises
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Téléchargez notre application gratuite avec plus de 500 exercices. Créez vos propres séances d'entraînement et suivez vos progrès. Enregistrez vos routines et exercices préférés et commencez votre entraînement complet autour de la récupération, de la flexibilité et du renforcement musculaire.

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99,99 €

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Standards de qualité élevés Standards de qualité élevés
Retour prolongé de 90 jours Retour prolongé de 90 jours
Plus d'un million de clients conquis Plus d'un million de clients conquis