The application of the DUOFLEX 12 is, like with our other duoballs, punctual. It means you can very well loosen targeted tensions (triggerpoints) and bonded muscle tissue with a fascia massage including the duoballs. You can regulate the pressure by using your own bodyweight.
With the flexible connection between the two fasciaballs (12cm diameter each) you can easily and versatilely apply the DUOFLEX 12 in the selfmassage. Next to the conventional lengthwise massage you can cross massage fascia and muscles due to the flexible bridge.
The gap in the middle enables the DUOFLEX 12 to be especially suitbale for the back due to sparing the spine while rolling. This is how you can effectivley and punctually work on the muscle strands to the left and right of the spine. The DUOFLEX 12 is well suitable for the massage of calves and thighs, too. In these areas you can massage across or along the muscle strands.
While executing the exercises with the fascia balls you use your own bodyweight and you can either apply the ball while lying on the floor or standing against the wall. To reduce the pressure on the ball while lying you can support the execution of the exercise with legs and arms.
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