Improves your regeneration & mobility, ideal for pain management, 90 days trial
The BLACKROLL® STANDARD foam roller in the Limited FC Bayern München Edition is easy to handle and can be used anytime and anywhere. It is perfect for self-massage, recovery, strength, and stability exercises, improving mobility, endurance, and coordination. Fasciae and muscles are activated, elasticity and resilience are supported, and even deep-lying muscle can be strengthened. Fascia training before and after sports can also prevent muscle pain, tension, and fascial adhesions. The professionals at FC Bayern München know this, too, so they integrate the BLACKROLL® STANDARD foam roller into their training with targeted exercises and also use it for active recovery after the game. This not only promotes continuous improvement in performance, but also reduces the risk of injury and the associated loss of team members.
Téléchargez notre application gratuite avec plus de 500 exercices. Créez vos propres séances d'entraînement et suivez vos progrès. Enregistrez vos routines et exercices préférés et commencez votre entraînement complet autour de la récupération, de la flexibilité et du renforcement musculaire.
Personne ne gagne un match de football avec de la technique et de la tactique. La forme physique joue un rôle décisif.