Binds allergens without biocides & chemical additives, efficacy clinically tested, 90 nights test
You suffer from a house dust allergy and hygienic sleep is important to you? Then our allergy pillowcase - the PILLOW CASE AllergoProtect® - is perfect for you. Thanks to the PROtec-aktiv process, the mite pillowcase is effective against house dust allergens. And it does so without any chemical additives. So are you looking for a pillow for allergy sufferers? Get the RECOVERY PILLOW and order the PILLOW CASE AllergoProtect® at the same time. The allergy pillowcase fits our neck pillow perfectly and lets you sleep restfully.
The PROtec-aktiv process works purely physically and without biocides against house dust allergens. On average, it keeps out 99.9% of the house dust allergens that surround us while we sleep.
This is how it works:
Allergenen zijn positief geladen en omringen ons bijna overal - vooral in bed. Terwijl we slapen, ademen we ze in. Als je last hebt van een huisstofallergie, weet je het waarschijnlijk al: je lichaam reageert allergisch met snotteren, een verstopte neus of hoesten. Het resultaat: je slaapt slecht en voelt je niet fris.