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Heart opening exercises

Exercises to stretch your chest.

15 Min
Products used in Routine
Stretch Band

Heart openers are not only popular in yoga, they bring many benefits for everyone. Opening the chest stretches the front of the body, especially the heart and lung area. This trains the auxiliary breathing muscles. The improved oxygen intake has an invigorating effect on the body, cell metabolism is stimulated and concentration is improved. Especially during stress we often breathe shallowly and restlessly. Through the heart-opening yoga exercises, deeper breathing and a better quality of breath becomes possible again. Especially for those who spend a lot of time in a forward bent posture, heart opening exercises offer the perfect balancing posture.

Through heart opening exercises you can
  • balance your desk posture
  • strengthen your back muscles
  • Stretch the front of your body
  • widen your breathing space to deepen your natural breathing and improve breath quality
  • improve the mobility of the thoracic spine and shoulders
  • Practice more openness again (physically, mentally and emotionally)

What heart-opening yoga exercises you can do, you can find here.

Who benefits from heart opener exercises
  • Ideal, after a long day at the office, or even as a break in between.
  • For hunchback, shoulder and back problems
  • As an energy kick for all who suffer from fatigue
At least 3-5 times a week

Do these exercises 3-5 times a week to counteract the tension of your bent-over posture

Shoulder Chest Opener

Grasp the STRETCH BAND with your fingertips. Put your arms through it. Move the band back over your head until it is level with the back of your head. Raise your sternum upward. Hold the position.
Sets / Seconds
3 / 30
Body part
Chest, Shoulders
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Diagonal Shoulder Chest Opener

Grasp the STRETCH BAND with your fingertips. Put your arms through it. Move the band back over your head. Form a diagonal with your arms. Hold the position.
Sets / Seconds
3 / 30
Body part
Chest, Shoulders
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Front Arm Line Opener

Place your hand on a wall at about shoulder height with your fingertips pointing down. The STRETCH BAND is in the palm of each hand. Turn your upper body up to the opposite side. Go to the maximum chest opening.
Sets / Seconds
3 / 30
Body part
Chest, Forearm, Upper arm
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility


Kneeling Starfish Backbend

Come into a kneeling stance. Grasp the STRETCH BAND and bring it back over your head. Push your hips forward and your torso back. Lift your sternum and bring your chin to your chest. Hold the position.
Sets / Seconds
3 / 30
Body part
Anterior Fascia Chain, Chest, Shoulders
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Chest Stretch

Place the BLACKROLL next to the mat. Start in the quadruped position. Stretch your arm to the side. Place your forearm on the BLACKROLL. Push the fascia roll away to the side. Lower your upper body to the floor.
Seconds per side
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Chest Stretch

Stand upright and stable in front of the wall. Place the BLACKROLL against the wall at a 120° angle to your upper body. Press your hand firmly on the BLACKROLL. Turn to the opposite direction to stretch your chest.
Seconds per side
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Preacher Stretch

Start in the quadruped position. Place your hands on the BLACKROLL®. Now slowly roll forward with the roller. Lower your chest between your arms to the floor.
Sets / Seconds
1 / 60
Body part
Chest, Shoulders
Training Goals
tools for the exercises
With loops
Premium Quality
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