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Cool-down and stretching exercises for athletics

Prevent muscle soreness and injury after an intense athletics training session with these cool-down & stretching exercises.

20 Min
Products used in Routine
Super Band

Cooling down after a training session or competition is just as important for your performance as an effective warm-up programme. A warm-up prepares you for the training session, while a cool-down brings your body back to a state of homeostasis (= balance of physiological body functions). In short: your body regenerates better so you will be fit for the next training session more quickly.

Get the most out of your cool-down:

  • Myofascial self-massage exercises
  • Stretching exercises for athletics

Work the muscle groups you use most during sprints and jumps. These specifically include:

  • thigh muscles
  • glutes
  • hip flexor muscles
  • calf and shin muscles
Recover better

If you skip your cool-down, you miss out on a simple, well-deserved shortcut to your training progress. Plus, that post-workout massage and stretching feeling you get from an athletics session with a few intense sprints is priceless.

After each workout

You should do cool-down exercises after every athletics training session. If you don’t have a lot of time, skip individual exercises. Or only massage/stretch areas of the body that are particularly tense.

Myofascial self-massage for athletics recovery

Current research shows that targeted fascia training has a positive effect on the muscle soreness that develops after a training session. Self-massage helps you squeeze out depleted fluids. Your tissues can fill up again with fresh nutrients. It also has a positive calming effect on the autonomic nervous system. Self-massage exercises will help you relax.

Calf Massage

Angle one leg while sitting. Place the calf of the stretched leg on the foam roller. Lift your buttocks off the floor. Slowly roll out your calf.
Seconds per side
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Hamstring Massage

In a sitting position, place both thighs on the BLACKROLL. Support yourself with your hands behind your back. Raise your buttocks. Slowly roll out the back of your thighs.
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Glute Massage

Sit with one half of your buttocks on the BLACKROLL. Stand up with the opposite leg. Place the foot of the side to be worked on on the knee. Support yourself with your hands behind your back. Slowly roll back and forth.
Seconds per side
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Tibialis Massage

Place your outer lower leg on the BLACKROLL. Place the other leg in front of your body. Support yourself on your hands. Raise your buttocks. Slowly roll out your lower leg.
Seconds per side
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Quads Massage

Start in plank position. Place the BLACKROLL under your thighs. Slowly roll out the entire front of your thighs from the knees to the hips.
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Hip Flexor Massage

Start in plank position. Place the BLACKROLL under your pelvic bone. Stand with the other leg bent. Slowly roll up and down a few centimetres.
Seconds per side
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Stretching exercises for athletics

Stretching can increase the mobility of your joints, increase blood flow and reduce feelings of stiffness. Other potential benefits of stretching:

  • reduces muscle soreness
  • increases athletic performance
  • lowers the risk of injuries

Hip Flexor Stretch

Fix the SUPER BAND to an object at waist level. Come into a kneeling position. Put the band around your thigh from behind. Stretch your hips and tighten your buttocks. Let the band pull you into the stretch. Hold the position.
Body part
Hips, Thigh
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Downward Dog

Attach the SUPER BAND behind you at waist level. Wrap it around the front of your hips. Start in a quadrupedal position. Stretch your buttocks towards the ceiling and push your sternum towards the top of your feet.
Body part
Posterior Fascia Chain, Shoulders
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Quads Stretch

Put the SUPER BAND around your ankle. Grasp the other end and pull the band forward with your hands. Pull the leg further forward with the help of the band. Hold the position.
Body part
Hips, Thigh
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Banded Pigeon Pose

Start in the quadruped position. Place the SUPER BAND around the inside of your thigh. Bring one leg in front of your body and bend it at the knee 45 to 90°. Extend your other leg behind your body. Press the pelvis on the side of the extended leg towards the floor.
Seconds per side
Body part
Glutes, Hips
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Hamstring Stretch

Start in supine position. Grasp one leg with both arms at the back of the thigh. Pull the leg towards you as straight as possible. 
Sets / Seconds
1 / 90
Body part
Training Goals
Your products for athletics cool-down & stretching exercises
Ideal for beginners
100 g €25.00 / g
Three resistance levels
Powerful trio
Track and field athlete, Yasmin Giger warms up for her training with BLACKROLL® exercises.

Warm-up exercises for athletics

20 Min
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