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Warm-up exercises for athletics

Get warmed up for your athletics training session with these exercises.

20 Min
Products used in Routine
Loop Band

It’s important to warm up at the start of any sports workout, but more so for athletics. Track and field athletes often jog a few laps around the track, do some static stretching or gentle bounces before they start their workout. Not the best way to prepare for high-intensity exercise.

We recommend athletics warm-up exercises that comprise three components.

  1. Mobility: Myofascial self-massage and mobilisation
  2. Activation of sport-specific muscle groups
  3. Movement preparation for more complex movement patterns

Runners, sprinters, long jumpers, high jumpers etc. use these athletics warm-up exercises to prepare for high-intensity training. The dynamic warm-up exercises for track and field athletes promote blood circulation. This means that the muscles are better supplied with oxygen. The result: Your muscle fibres work more efficiently and your reflexes improve. You also prevent injuries.

Before every workout

You should do warm-up exercises before every athletics training session. If you don’t have a lot of time, skip individual exercises. Nevertheless, combine exercises from the mobility, activation and movement areas.

Correct execution leads to success

The following applies to warm-up exercises for athletics: Quality over quantity. If you start to lose form during an exercise or are extremely exhausted, take a break.


These workouts are only a recommendation. Are you looking for a personalised warm-up routine? Get in touch with a professional athletic trainer directly.

01 Mobility: Myofascial self-massage and mobilisation

Because we are activating our muscles, we roll a little faster than you might be used to. Feel free to roll slower if it feels more comfortable for you. If you hit a sensitive spot, pause for a moment and pay attention to that spot until you feel a release of tension.

Calf Activation

Angle one leg while sitting. Place the calf of the stretched leg on the fascia roller. Lift your buttocks off the floor. Quickly roll out your calf.
1 x 20
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals

Hamstring Activation

Switch on the BOOSTER so that 4-6 lights light up. In a sitting position, place both thighs on the BLACKROLL. Support yourself with your hands behind your back, lift your buttocks and quickly roll out the back of your thighs.
1 x 20
Body part
Training Goals

Glute Activation

Sit with one half of your buttocks on the BLACKROLL. Stand up with the opposite leg. Place the foot of the side to be worked on on the knee. Support yourself with your hands behind your back. Slowly roll back and forth.
1 x 20
Body part
Training Goals

Quads Activation

Start in forearm support. Place the BLACKROLL under your thighs. Quickly roll out the entire front of your thighs from the knees to the hips.
1 x 20
Body part
Training Goals

Broomstick Stretch

Come to a hip-width stance. Grasp the SUPER BAND in front of the chest and pull it apart. With arms extended, bring the band over your head.
1 x 20
Body part
Training Goals
Activation, Mobility

02 Activation of sport-specific muscle groups

Isolated activation exercises are designed to target specific muscles to increase intramuscular coordination and improve strength. You can achieve this with the following exercises.


Lie on side with bent legs and LOOP BAND around knees. Open and close knees by lifting upper leg. Heels stay together.
1 x 15
Body part
Training Goals
Activation, Strength

Shin Activation

Place the BLACKROLL LOOP BAND around your feet in a sitting position. Angle one leg. Keep the other leg stretched. Move the foot of the bent leg up and down
1 x 15
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals

Side Pull

Stand with LOOP BAND around ankles. Lift one foot off floor. Extend straight foot towards side. Return to starting position.
1 x 15
Body part
Glutes, Thigh
Training Goals
Activation, Strength

Glute Bridge

Lie on back with knees bent and LOOP BAND around knees. Slowly lift hip until thighs and upper body form one line. Return to starting position.
1 x 15
Body part
Glutes, Lower back, Thigh
Training Goals
Activation, Strength

Pallof Press

Fix the SUPER BAND to an object at thigh level. Lunge and kneel sideways next to it. Grasp the free end of the band. Move away from the fixation point so that the band is under tension. Press the band forward. Then return to the starting position.
1 x 15
Body part
Core, Shoulders
Training Goals
Activation, Strength

03 Movement preparation for more complex movement patterns

To finish off, prepare your musculoskeletal system for intense sprints or jumps with slightly more complex movement patterns. This improves neuromuscular control and fosters intermuscular coordination (cooperation between different muscle groups). Finally, activate fast-twitch muscle fibres with explosive resistance sprints.

Push-Up Walk

Begin in standard push up position with arms together and feet apart. Put LOOP BAND around ankles. Walk sidewards by alternately moving arms and legs.
1 x 15
Body part
Chest, Core, Shoulders
Training Goals
Activation, Strength

Forward Lunge

Secure the RESIST BAND to an object at waist level. Come to an upright stance. Put the band around your waist. Put the band under tension. Take a big step forward. Lower your buttocks until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position.
1 x 15
Body part
Glutes, Thigh
Training Goals
Activation, Athletics

RNT Anti-Tilt Squat

Attach the RESIST BAND to a solid object at your side. Place the RESIST BAND around your waist. The band is under moderate tension. Lower your hips to bend your knees. Raise your arms at the same time. Return to the starting position.
1 x 15
Body part
Hips, Lower legs, Thigh
Training Goals

Resistance Sprint

Attach the RESIST BAND behind you. Place the RESIST BAND around your body at about the level of your lower abdomen. The band is under slight tension. Sprint "into the band" by pulling your legs and moving your arms in opposite directions. Ready, Steady, Go!
1 x 10
Body part
Core, Glutes, Hips, Thigh
Training Goals
Activation, Athletics
Your tools for athletics exercises
Ideal for beginners
100 g €25.00 / g
In six resistance levels
Incl. wristband
A powerful trio
Track and field athlete, Yasmin Giger doing track and field cool-down & stretching exercises with BLACKROLL® products.

Cool-down and stretching exercises for athletics

20 Min
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