Exercises to prepare for your bike ride.
On your bike. But be careful: don’t set off too fast otherwise you'll overwork yourself. Take a few minutes to warm up in preparation for your bike ride. Your body will thank you for it.
Thanks to targeted activation exercises, you'll recruit certain muscle groups needed for cycling in a more effective way while preparing for your bike ride.
Activate your large glutes.
Come into a quadruped stance and raise one leg backwards until your buttocks are tense. The LOOP BAND is around the instep of the foot of the leg that is on the floor and around the sole of the foot of the raised leg.
Stabilise your shoulder girdle. This exercise has a preventive effect and supports the adoption of a healthy shoulder posture.
Strengthen your front sawtooth muscles for better shoulder blade function.
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Activate your whole body before cycling. With this warm-up exercise, you primarily target your torso.