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Foam roller Achilles tendon

Looking for Achilles tendon exercises that you can do with a foam roller?

Looking for Achilles tendon exercises that you can do with a foam roller?

Problems with your Achilles tendon and want to rectify it using a foam roller? No problem! Myofascial self-massage is not only great for your Achilles tendon when using a foam roller, but you can also restore suppleness in the tissue around your Achilles tendon using the foam roller. This involves your calves and feet. In the following, you'll therefore find foam roller exercises for this area which also positively impact your Achilles tendon. By the way: the DUOBALL 08 can also be used alongside the foam roller for self-massaging the Achilles tendon.

Achillis Tendon Massage

Place the TWISTER in a sitting position with your hand on the Achilles tendon. Rotate the Twister in both directions. Vary the pressure and the position.
Sets / Seconds
1 / 60
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Calf Massage

Angle one leg while sitting. Place the calf of the stretched leg on the DUOBALL. Lift your buttocks off the floor and slowly roll out the calf.
Seconds per side
Body part
Calf, Lower legs
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Plantar Fascia Massage

While standing, place the sole of the foot on the MINI. Slowly roll back and forth. Turn your foot also on the inner and outer edge.
Seconds per side
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

The TWISTER is also suitable for massaging the achilles tendon. This gives you a special kind of fascia stimulation.

Achillis Tendon Massage

Place the TWISTER in a sitting position with your hand on the Achilles tendon. Rotate the Twister in both directions. Vary the pressure and the position.
Sets / Seconds
1 / 60
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Calf Massage

Place the TWISTER in a sitting position with your hand on the calf. Turn the Twister in both directions. Vary the pressure and the position.
Sets / Seconds
1 / 60
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Plantar Fascia Massage

While standing, place your foot on the TWISTER. Rotate your foot. Vary the position and the 
Sets / Seconds
1 / 60
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility
Exercise routine inspiration

Is your Achilles tendon causing your problems and you're looking for exercises to treat it? Discover our pain-relieving exercises! We've got a specific training plan for you here. Discover now!

Uebungen Achillessehnenschmerzen
15 Min
Wadenmuskulatur lockern
23 Min
Fersensporn uebungen
27 Min
Product recommendations for foam roller Achilles tendon exercises
15 cm long
Three tools
8 cm
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