Supportive for prevention and pain relief
Different structures can be responsible for knee pain – for example, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, menisci, etc. You can feel the pain on the front, back, inside, outside, or all over the knee. Persistent complaints, in particular, often have similar causes. Tension changes in the muscles and fascia around the knee joint as well as weakness in the glutes, the quadriceps and the muscles on the back of the thigh often strain the knee joint during everyday and physical activities. We will show you which exercises you can use to alleviate or eliminate your knee pain.
Perform these knee exercises three to five times per week for optimum results. If you don’t have a lot of time, choose at least one exercise from each category.
Do the knee pain exercises also as pain prevention.
Do you suffer from “runner’s knee”? You will find specific knee exercises here.
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You can release adhesions and tension in the muscles around the shoulders and fascia with knee exercises for myofascial self-massage. This regulates the tensile forces on the joint and reduces one-sided strain.
Lie on your stomach with the front of your thighs on the BLACKROLL® so that it is in the middle of your thigh.
Lie down with the back of your thighs on the BLACKROLL® so that it is in the middle of your thigh.
After the myofascial self-massage, you can trigger deep-lying fascial adhesions with the BLACKROLL® by TMX TRIGGER. The targeted pressure on your muscle can relieve deep tension. During these knee exercises, find the most tender spot. If you are sore the next day, be sure to take the day off.
Place the trigger on the floor and sit with your legs extended. Put one leg on the trigger and start triggering the individual tender point.
Start in the prone position and place the trigger on a tender area in the thigh. When the pain subsides, you can start to lift your heel to your buttocks and then straighten your leg again.
Mobilization and stretching exercises help to reduce mobility restrictions in the knee joint, so that it becomes fully mobile again. These knee exercises are therefore important in order to use the entire function of the joint.
Lie on your side on the floor. Bend your lower leg at the hip and knee joint so that you are stable. Now grasp that leg at the ankle with the arm that is on top and pull the heel toward your buttocks.
No tool
These knee exercises to activate and strengthen the muscles help stabilize the knee joint and thereby reduce strain. They also help to regain full performance. Perform the following exercises only when you can do them without experiencing any pain.
Lie on your back on the floor and bend both legs with your feet on the floor. Put a LOOP BAND around your thighs close to your knees and add tension by spreading your legs.
Put a SUPER BAND around your feet and shoulders. Cross your arms, put your hands on the opposite shoulders, and stretch your elbows forward.
Maybe you’re only too familiar with knee pain – especially if you’re a sportsperson.