Supportive for prevention and pain relief
You can treat functional chest pain with targeted exercises. The aim is to release tightness to help your thoracic spine regain mobility. But that alone isn’t enough – that’s why, with the exercises below, we get down to the root cause of the pain in your chest. You can achieve your goal by working on your posture.
To help you succeed against chest pain, we recommend doing your training plan four to five times per week, keeping your movements clean and slow.
Important: Chest pain is not to be trifled with. In order to rule out organic causes, these must be clarified by a doctor.
Myofascial release techniques can help you release tightness in your chest area, which relaxes your chest muscles.
Place the MED on the floor and lie on it with the side of your ribcage. Support your body using your forearm. Slowly roll along your flanks.
Stand with your back to the wall. Place the BALL 08 to the side of your spine, on a line with the bottom of your shoulder blade. Roll up along the area between your spine and your shoulder blade, until you get to the junction between your shoulder and neck.
Stand with your stomach against a wall. Hold BALL 08 between the BLOCK on the wall and your chest. Work all of your chest muscles by moving up and down, and side to side.
Place the TWISTER on a tender spot of your chest muscles and let the knobs sink into your tissue for about five seconds.
After doing myofascial self-massage, you can work on deep fascial adhesions using the BLACKROLL® TRIGGER TMX®. This targeted pressure relieves deep-lying tension in your chest muscles.
Stand in front of a wall. Position the TRIGGER PLUS® on the wall, between your front ribs and chest muscles. Use this to trigger a tender spot in your chest.
Mobilization exercises using BLACKROLL® products help you take the next step toward greater mobility. At the same time, they also help ease myofascial tension even more.
Lie on your side on the floor. Stretch out the lower leg and place the top knee onto the BLACKROLL® at a 90-degree angle.
Lay the BLACKROLL® down on the floor and assume an all-fours position. Support your body with your hands on the roll.
When you’ve worked to tackle the symptoms of your chest tightness, you should work on your posture. That’s because your chest pain probably started from poor posture or muscle imbalances. With the following exercises, you’ll therefore train the muscles that tend to get weaker.
Secure the MULTI BAND in front of you at hip height and hold one of the loops. With the leg from the same side, lower down onto the knee, placing it directly below your hip.
Assume a push-up position with your arms stretched. Tense the muscles of your core and your buttocks to form a straight line with your body. Let your upper body sink down. Keep your arms stretched.
No tool
A pulling feeling in your chest or pain in your ribcage (thorax) can be down to various causes.